The Grameen Samvikas Sansthan Gorakhpur (Institute for Rural Ecodevelopment) publishes a Biannual research Journal, i.e., ‘Samvikas Sandesh’ (Journal of Eco development). Original papers, notes, book reviews, seminar as well as workshop recommendations are invited from Geographers and allied disciplines and published after recommendations of referees.
Samvikas Sandesh is an universal journal which promotes: –
- Research in Development
- Interface between Environment and Development
- Linkages between Social and Physical Sciences
- Exchange of ideas between Development Professionals, Planners and Policy Makers
- Debates in all the sub Disciplines of Geography
- Interdisciplinary research
Authors are requested to submit manuscripts in two hard copies with a set of original map/illustrations and a soft copy on CD on New Times Roman file and all illustrations (diagrams, maps, photo plates etc) manuscripts should preferably not exceed ten printed pages or between 3000-4000 words typed in double space on quarter paper with wide margins. Line drawings maps and photographs should be referred to as fig. 1, Fig.2 etc. They should be numbered in order in which they are referred to in the text. Colour illustrations can be reproduced if the author agrees to meet the additional Costs. References cited in the text must be cited in the original language and to be given in alphabetical order as follows:
Singh, J. (1989): “Central Places And Spatial Organisation in A Backward Economy: Gorahpur Region” U.B.B.P. Gorahpur.
Singh, K.N. (1990): “Transport Network in Rural Development” I.R.E.D. Gorakhpur.
Singh, K.N. & Rana, N.K. (2012): “Holistic Development : A Geographical perspective”, Radha Publication, New Delhi.
CORRESPONDENCE: All correspondence regarding manuscript, membership and subscription to the journal may be addressed to prof. K.N. Singh, Secretary, I.R.E.D., Department of Geography, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur – 273009, Mobile no. 09415212233. Email: for details Please visit the official website of Institute.