The Institute For Rural Eco-development alias Grameena Samvikas Sansthan has been establised with the view point of promoting holistic development of various regions of the country.

It was established in 1989 under leadership of Prof. Jagdish Singh. ex. head, Deptt. of Geography, University of Gorakhpur and ex. President NAGI. The Institute aims to propagate the ideas of ‘SAMVIKAS’ i.e, Holistic Development and emphasizes the interactive process of demographic, economic, social, cultural, technological and environmental vistas in order to exploit the positive trends of each that converge to upgrade human welfare; not only in materialistic frame but oriented to spiritual ascendency as well. To this end the Institute organizes National seminar every year on the occasion of prithvi parva (Vasant Panchami) to discuss locality specific trends, problems and prospects. The institute publishes a biannual research journal of Eco-development (Samvikas Sandesh). The journal promotes interdisciplinary research. Each volume of Journal is publised in two parts.

  • IRED initial years activities
    • IRED Activities from 1988-1990
    • Activities done from 1991 to 1992
    • Activities done from 1992 to 1993
    • Activities done from 1993 to 1994
    • Activities done from 1994 to 1995
    • Activities done from 1995 to 1996
    • Activities done from 1996 to 1997


Details of Seminar Conducted by IRED in different years

  • 1st IRED MEET (1993)

    more-detail_button Place- Department of Geography , D.D.U. Gorakhpur University,
    Topic- Envorinment & Ecodevelopment :
    Convenvor- Dr. K.N. Singh,

    Organising Secretary- Dr. R.B. Patel,
    Chief Guest- Prof. V.S. Pathak Vice-Chancellor, Gorakhpur, University

  • 2nd IRED MEET (1994)

    Place- D.C.S.K.P.G.College Mau Nath Bhanjan,more-detail_button
    Topic- Waste Land & Ecodevelopment :
    Convenor- Dr. Shiva Sankar Singh,Principal
    President- Dr. H.N. Dubey, Head Geography department
    Chief Guest- Sri Suvesh Kumar Singh, I.P.S.

  • 3rd IRED MEET (1995)

    Place– Hindu P.G College Muradabad, U.P.
    Topic – Panchayatraj & Development


    3rd IRED MEET @ HINDU PG College

    Convenor- Dr. S.N. Singh, Principal
    Organising Secretary- Dr. R.B. Saharia, head geography
    Chief Guest- Padam Shri Prof. M.B.Mathur,
    President- Darshan Singh Vaishya, I.A.S.

  • 4th IRED MEET (1996)

    Place- H.R.P.G. College Khalilabad
    Topic- Water Management & Planning for water logged area,more-detail_button
    Covennor- Dr. Virendra Singh, Head geography
    Organising Secratery- Dr. O.P. Singh,
    Chief Gurest- Prof. R.K. Mishra, Vice-Chancellor, D.D.U.Gorakhpur University
    President- Dr. R.D. Upadhyaya, Principal

  •  5th IRED MEET (1997)

    Place– Department of Geography, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
    TopicCulture and Environmentmore-detail_button
    Converor– Prof. K.N. Singh
    Organazing Secretary – Dr. S.S. Verma,
    Chief Guest– Prof. R.K. Mishra, Vice-chancellor
    D.D.U. Gorakhpur University

  • 6th IRED MEET (1998)

    Place- Nitishwar College Mujaffarpur,Biharmore-detail_button
    Topic- Wet land Area Development,
    Convenor- Dr. P.N. Singh,Head Economics,B.R.A. Bihar University Mujaffarpur
    Organising Secretary- Dr. Muneswar Singh, Head Geography
    Chief Guest- Prof. S.N. Sinha Vice-Chancellor, B.R.A. Bihar University Mujaffarpur
    Guest of honour – Capt. Jai Narayana Nishad, Cabinet Minister, Govt of India

  • 7th IRED MEET (1999)

    Place- U.N.P.G.College Padrauna,more-detail_button
    Topic- Flood Hazard: Causes & Cure
    Convenor- Dr. V.B.Singh, Head Geography
    Organising Secretary- Dr. C.V. Singh,
    Chief Guest- Surya Pratap Shahi, Minister.U.P.
    President- Kunvar R.P.N.Singh, Manager, U.N.P.G.College Padrauna,

  • 8th IRED MEET (2000)

    Place- Kisan P.G.College Rakasa, Balliamore-detail_button
    topic- Environment, Social Amenities and Development:
    Convenor- Lallon Singh, Manager, Kisan P.G.College Rakasa, Ballia
    Chief Guest- Shri Ram Chauhan ,State Minister Govt. of India

  • 9th IRED MEET (2001)

    Place- Degree College Jagatpur, Varanasimore-detail_button
    Topic- Bio – Technology and Rural Development:
    Convenor- Dr.Jawahar Singh, Principal
    Oraganising Secretary- Dr. Kahsi Nath Singh, President V.B.S. Purvanchal University Teachers Association, Jaunpur
    Chief Guest- Satya Dev Singh Ex. M.P.

  • 10th IRED MEET (2002)

    Place- R.R.P.G. College Amethi,Sultanpur U.P.more-detail_button
    Topic- Organic Farming and Rural Development :
    Convenor- Dr. Mathura Singh, Principal
    Organising Secretary- Dr. S.P. Singh, Head, Geography
    Chief Guest- Prof. R.A. Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. R.M.L.A. University Faizabad

  • 11th IRED MEET (2003)

    Place- Department of Geography ,D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
    Topic- Integrated Land and water Management:more-detail_button
    Convenor- Prof. K. N. Singh,
    Organising Secratery- Prof. R.B. Patel,
    President- Prof. R.R. Pandey Vice-Chancellor, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
    Chief Guest- Arun Chaturvedi, Director, Institute of Land use and soil conservation, Nagpur.
    Special Guest- Smt. Mridula Singh, Dy. Director, Land use Development Council, U.P.

  • 12th IRED MEET (2004)

    Place- Shivapati P.G. College ShohratGarh, Siddharthnagar,
    Topic- Literacy and Rural Development:more-detail_button
    Convenor- Dr. Arvind Kumar Singh,
    Organising Secretary- Dr. I.S. Srivastava,
    Chief Guest- Prof. R.R. Pandey, Vice Chancellor, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
    Guest of Honour- Jai Pratap Singh M.L.A.

  • 13th IRED MEET (2005)

    Place- M.L.K.P.G.College Balrampurmore-detail_button
    Topic- Agricultural Diversity, Organic Farming & Rural Eco- development:
    Convenor- Dr. O.P. Mishra,Principal
    Chief Guest- Prof. R.P. Mishra Ex. Vice-Chancellor , Allahabad University.

  • 14th IRED MEET (2006)

    Place- Department of Geography ,D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
    Topic- Information Technology, Agricultural Diversification and Rural Development:
    Convenor- Prof. K.N.Singhmore-detail_button
    Organising Secretary- Dr. Narendra Kumar Rana,
    Chief Guest- Om Prakash Singh,Ex. Minister of Higher Education U.P.
    Guest of Honour- Prof. P.N. Singh, Executive Director, Guru Govind Singh Indraprasth University Delhi,
    Chairman – Prof. Arun Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University

  • 15th IRED MEET (2007)

    Place- Budha Degree College Ratsia Kothi, Deoria
    Topic- Population Resource, Environment and Eco-Development,more-detail_button
    Convenor- Dr. T.P. Singh, Managu Budha Degree College Ratria Kothi, Deoria
    Oraganising Secretary- Dr. K.N. Singh Department of Geography,
    D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
    Chief Guest- Late Prof. Chandra Shekhar Singh, Pant Nagar University
    President – Prof. Arun Kumar , Vice-Chancellor, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
    Director- Prof- Jagdish Singh

  • 15th IRED MEET (2008)

    place – Dr. R.M.L. Degree College Nautanva .Maharajgang,
    Topic- Re-organization of Indian States for Regional Development ,
    Convenor- Dr. Prabhu Shankar Singh, Principalmore-detail_button
    president- Kunvar Akhilesh Singh , Ex. M.P.
    Chief Guest – Rajnath Singh, M.P.
    Organizing Secretery- Prof. K.N.Singh, Department of Geography,
    D.D.U. Gorakhpur University
    Director- Prof. Jagdish Singh

  • 17th IRED MEET (2009)

    Place- Department of Geography D.D.U. Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur
    Topic- Integrated Land and water management for food security in India, more-detail_button
    Convenor- Prof. K.N. Singh
    President – Prof- S.K. Dixit, Head, Geography
    Organizing Secretary– Dr. S.K.Singh,
    Chief Guest– Ganesh Shankar Pandey M.L.C. ,

  • 18th IRED MEET (2010)

    Place- Zila parishad Hall, Deoria,
    Topic- Environment and Developmentmore-detail_button
    Convenor- Surya Nath Singh , manager, Sri Ram Degree College Teliya kalan, Deoria
    Chief Guest- Dr. Karnadhar, I.P.S.
    President- Dr. T.P.Singh,U.P. Pradhanacharya Parishad.
    organizing Secretary– Prof. K.N. Singh Department of Geography
    D.D.U. Gorakhpur University

  • 19th IRED MEET (2011)

    Place- Dr. R.M.L. College Muzaffarpur, Biharmore-detail_button
    Topic- Development & Social Justice in Special reference to Middle Ganga Valley
    Convenor- Dr. Uma Shankar Singh, Head.
    Chief Guest- Prof. Rajendra Mishra, Vice Chancellor, Bihar University Muzaffarpur
    Key note Address- Prof. Jagdish Singh, Director I.R.E.D.
    Special Guest- Prof. Nandeshwar Sharma, Darbhanga University
    Guest of Honour- Prof. R.B.P.Singh,Head Geography Patna Univercity
    President- Prof. Arjun Kumar Ex. Vice Chancellor. J.P. University Chhapra, Bihar
    Organizing Secretary– Dr.. Mohan Kumar, Head, English, Lohiya College.
    Special Invitee- Shrimati Veena Singh, M.L.A, Bihar Assembly

  • 20th IRED MEET (2012)

    Place- D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur
    Topic- Demographic Change, Employment security and environmental Suceplibility.
    Convenor- Prof. K.N. Singhmore-detail_button
    Chief Guest- Prof. V.D. Gupta, Ex.,Vice Chancellor, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur
    Key note Address- Prof. Smt. Abha Laxmi Singh, Deptt. of Geo. Aligarh Muslim Univ. Aligarh
    Chief guest Valedictory- Prof. U.P. Singh, Parvanchal University Jaunpur
    President Valedictory- Prof. Ram Achal Singh, Ex. V.C. R.M.L. Avadh Univ. Fazabad
    Guest of Honour- Prof. Jagdish Singh, Dircetor I.R.E.D. Gorakhpur
    President- Prof. P.C. Trivedi V.C. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Organizing Secretary– Dr. N.K. Rana

  • 21st IRED MEET (2013)

    Place- National P.G. College Lucknow
    Topic- Environment Development.more-detail_button
    Convenor- Prof. K. N. Singh Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Chief Guest- Prof. R.P. Mishra, Ex.,Vice Chancellor, Allahabad University Allahabad
    Key note Address- Prof. Ram Babu Singh, Head Geogr. Deptt. of Delhi University
    Director- Prof. Jagdish Singh, Ex., Head, Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Organizing Secretary– Dr. P. K. Singh, Head Geography, National P.G. College Lucknow

  • 22nd IRED MEET (2014)

    Place- Ram Gulam Rai Shikshan Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
    Topic- Regional Eco-development: With Special Reference to Ganga plainmore-detail_button
    Convenor- Prof. K. N. Singh Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Chief Guest- Prof. Rajendra Prasad, Ex., V.C., D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur
    Key note Address: Prof. Nandeshwar Sharma, Ex. Head Geography Department of D.L.N Mithila University Darbhanga.
    Director – Prof. Jagdish Singh, Ex. Head, Geography Department, DDU Gorakhpur University.
    Organizer – Prabhat Rai, Chief Trustee, Ram Gulam Rai Raja Devi Charitable Trust, Gorakhpur.

  • 23rd IRED MEET (2015)

    Place- G.P.S.P.G. College, Khalilabad, Sant Kabir Nagar (U.P.)
    Topic- Industrial clusters, Smart cities and employment: Spatial perspectivemore-detail_button
    Convenor- Prof. K. N. Singh Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Chief Guest- Prof. S.C. Rai, Ex.,Vice Chancellor, Allahabad University Allahabad
    Director- Prof. Jagdish Singh, Ex., Head, Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Organizing Secretary– N.K. Rana, D.D.U, Gorakhpur University.

  • 24th IRED MEET (2016)

    Place- Akhil Bhagaya P.G. College, Ranapar, Gorakhpur
    Topic- Organic Farming: Need, Problems and Potentialitymore-detail_button
    Convenor- Prof. K. N. Singh Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Director- Prof. Jagdish Singh, Ex., Head, Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Organizing Secretary– Dr. Govind Sharan Singh, Principal, Akhil  Bhagaya P.G. College, Ranapar, Gorakhpur.


    Place- Akhil Bhagaya P.G. College, Ranapar, Gorakhpur
    Topic- Organic Farming: Need, Problems and Potentialitymore-detail_button
    Convenor- Prof. K. N. Singh Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Director- Prof. Jagdish Singh, Ex., Head, Geography Deptt. D.D.U. Gorakhpur Univ. Gorakhpur
    Organizing Secretary– Dr. Govind Sharan Singh, Principal, Akhil Bhagaya P.G. College, Ranapar, Gorakhpur.

  • 26th IRED MEET (2019)

    Place- Divya Prem Seva Mission, Haridwar sector -15, Prayagraj
    Topic- गंगा मैदान का प्रादेशिक संविकास more-detail_button
    आयोजक: दिव्या प्रेम सेवा मिशन हरिद्वार, गंगा समग्र, ग्रामीण समविकास संस्थान, गोरखपुर
    संयोजक – प्रोO के. एन. सिंह , कुलपति, उत्तर प्रदेश राजर्षि टंडन मुक्त विश्विद्यालय, प्रयागराज
    विशेष सहयोग : उत्तर प्रदेश राजर्षि टंडन मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय
    अध्यक्षता : जगदीश सिंह
    मुख्या अतिथि: श्री शिव प्रकाश शुक्ल, वित्त राज्य मंत्री, भारत सरकार
    मुख्या वक्ता: डॉ. उन्नत पंडित, सदस्य नीति आयोग, भारत सरकार ,नई दिल्ली
    विशिष्ठ अतिथि : माननीय न्यायमूर्ति सुधीर नारायण, उच्च न्यायालय